Onafriq App helps you collect money from your contacts, regardless of your mobile money network. Collections are instant and are available in your Onafriq App account right away.
Collect from mobile money wallets on the following networks:.
MTN Uganda
Airtel Uganda
Mpesa Kenya
Airtel DRC
Orange DRC
Rwanda MTN
Mpesa Tanzania
Airtel Tanzania
There are three ways that you can collect from your customers:
Your business's collection link: collect any amount, any time
Custom collection link: specific amount, specific customer
Collection prompt doesn't require data or a smartphone
Let's explore each of these briefly.
Your business's collection link
We provide you with a unique link to a payment page that you can use anytime with your customers. It's a simple form that customers can use to pay you. The link never changes, so add it to your Instagram shop, your website, and your WhatsApp status.
Custom collection link
Does someone owe you for goods or services? Send them a link to pay you. Just like the collection link, your customer can use this page to send you money. However, in this case, you specify the amount so that the customer pays you exactly what they owe you.
Collection prompt
Collecting in person? You can send a prompt directly to your customer's phone that they will simply confirm. This will send a notification to the customer's phone instantly, where they can confirm the amount and enter their mobile money PIN to send the funds to you.
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